the brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.

; when tomorrow starts without you. and you're not there to see. if sun should rise and find my eyes. all filled with tears for you. you wish so mych i wouldn't cry. the way i did today. while thinking of the many things. we didn't get to say. you know how much i love you. as much as you love me. and each time that i think of you. you know i'll miss you too. but when tomorrow starts without you. i'll try to understand. that an angel came and called your name. and took you by the hand. said your place was ready in heaven far above. and you'd have to leave behind. all those you dearly love. but when you walked through heavens gates. you felt so much at home. when God looked down and smiled at you. from his great golden throne. he said "this is eternity and all i've promised you" today for life on earth is past. but here it starts a new. you promise no tomorrow. for today will always last. and since each day's the same way. there's no longing for the past. so when tomorrow starts without you. i won't think we are far apart. for every time i think of you. you're right here in my heart.          - <3 A

Postat av: sanda

ahhah hvalaa gumman:D jel ti koga imas?


2008-11-29 @ 16:29:15
Postat av: besiima

mah voljela bi ja to al malo je komplicerat sve zato orkar jag inte lägga min energi på det igen;-)

haha da da i svaki dan starimo hehe:-D


2008-11-29 @ 16:36:17
Postat av: besiima

mah da tako nesto hehe:-) ma znam ja da ljepota nije sve,negledam ja to ;-) Mah dobro sam evo odmaram,danas radila i tako to=) sad ves perem, sreca pa nemamo puno:p hehe .. Kako sii mi ti?=)


2008-11-29 @ 18:38:37
Postat av: besiima

haha hvala, mah jag brukar tänka på såna saker som jag skrev alltid när jag är på väg hem från jobb, znas man studerar all folk som går förbi ¨å man liksom försvinner på något sätt i sin egen lilla värld:-) Jag har massor i huvudet al mi treba puno vremena dok napisem i pomislim hehe al eto=)svårt å få fram det precis som du säger det hehe najbolje je prvo napisat u knjigu i onda, ili mozda stödord i tako:-)

- haha ma nej, jedan covjek mi to reko na poslu för han tycker jag är en bra tjej itako hehe al mozda i jest tako , att dem bra blir tsm med en dålig till slut hehe neznam nija:-)

ahaaaaaaaaaaa jaooo pa kakvuu si sad tortu napravila bona draga?! haha ja nisam pravila kolace ima evo sedmica,(skääms på mig) haha:-D nadam se att ni får det trevliigt !(K) Pusss

2008-11-29 @ 19:17:17

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